Individual architectural projects


Pro creative bono is an idea to expand one’s knowledge and skills as well as share one’s passions and interests in a friendly environment. The aim of the meetings is to broaden our horizons as well as finding potentially hidden talents among the members. The meetings are run by experienced and passionate people wanting to share their knowledge and skills and getting others interested in their work.



The topics include health, architecture, painting, film, music, philosophy, mind betterment techniques, broadly understood personal development, negotiation skills and many more including members sharing their travel experiences, slideshows and debates on current affairs. The meetings on drawing, dance, photography, foreign languages, pronunciation and singing, creativity training and motivational methods are run in the form of workshops. We also organise shows and recitals in small groups, plus alternative artists performances to explore creative works of sensitive people who have something important to say.


Please note we work in a small group when invited by a member. If you would like to join us, please email us on